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How to Fix the Glass Vulnerability Revealed in the Nashville Tragedy

By March 30, 2023June 3rd, 2024Education, Safety & Security Films
jilbert ebrahimi pVEcNabAg9o unsplash 2

Security camera footage from the Nashville school shooting tragedy clearly shows the weakness of unprotected glass windows and doors. The perpetrator shot the glass and entered the building within seconds (the same way the Sandy Hook shooter gained access). Had the glass been hardened with security window film or another glazing security product, the perpetrator would have been delayed by several minutes, allowing precious time for first responders to arrive – potentially saving lives.

Learn about the state of campus security in our 2024 Window Security and Safety Survey!

Watch the security camera footage from the Nashville tragedy to see how quickly the perpetrator gained entry through the glass. (Viewer discretion advised).

As the video clearly shows, glass is easily broken, making it the first target for perpetrators and the weakest link in the chain of school safety and building perimeter security. Thankfully, there are cost-effective, cutting-edge solutions to help harden glass and improve school safety. Security window film has been proven to strengthen glass and delay intruders by up to 6 minutes.

Watch this active-shooter demonstration we facilitated with Houston ISD Police Department to see how security window film can help buy time and save lives.

How Security Window Film Can Help Prevent School Shooting Tragedies

The Federal Commission on School Safety and the Sandy Hook Advisory Commission report both recommend security window film for schools. Following the Uvalde tragedy, the Texas Education Agency (TEA) mandated safety and security window film in schools.

Security window film can help prevent school shooting tragedies by delaying forced entry, reducing visibility, and containing spall.

Delay entry and increase response time

Security window film has been shown to delay entry by between two to six minutes. This prevents perpetrators from gaining immediate access to the school and gives schools additional time to initiate emergency response plans and first responders to arrive at the scene.

Reduce visibility

The privacy benefit that comes with shading and tinting in window film also has a particular safety benefit: windows that are shaded or darkened on the exterior make it more difficult for shooters to target individuals within a school. This benefit can serve as a major deterrent to a single-minded individual who means to do harm with a firearm.

Contain spall

Whether from a bomb blast, windstorm, gunshot, or human impact, glass will shatter with the right amount of force. This shattering creates “spall”: flying pieces of glass that can cause great harm to anyone nearby. Serving as a containment system, security window film prevents spall from becoming harmful projectiles flying through the air.

Protect Students and Staff With Security Window Film from NGS

No deterrent can stop all threats. But products such as safety and security window film from NGS can help significantly deter the impact of a threat emanating from outside the school. We are the nation’s largest retrofit glazing security contractor, offering building security assessments, and have a team of consultants who are dedicated to locating and procuring grant money. With 20 states offering public funding options to improve school security through window films, now is the time to make your school a safer place by investing in this simple yet highly effective solution.

We have successfully hardened vulnerable glass in hundreds of school districts nationwide, and offer streamlined procurement via our EDGAR-Compliant cooperative purchasing agreements and Government contracting vehicles.

But don’t take our word for it. Here’s what some of our school security clients had to say about security window film and working with NGS:

Ready to learn more? Download our “Window Security and Safety Report,” or register for our upcoming webinar, “Defend Your Glass” to take the next step toward hardening your buildings and protecting your students and staff.

Defend Your Glass
Hosted by  James Beale
Learn how to protect your building’s weakest points from forced entry, bomb blasts, windstorms, and seismic events.


Ready to take action NOW to protect your students and staff by hardening your glass? Book a meeting with one of our school safety experts, today!

Header photo by Jilbert Ebrahimi 

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